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Such is the price of Biggest Movie Star in the World fame: When any of us mortals get blitzed over the weekend, then develop a sudden hankering for 50%-off Halloween candy, refusing to leave a nearby pharmacy until an employee submits to our drunken requests to check the store room for any stray bags of bite-sized Whatchamacallits (a confectionary stand-off that results in an arrest on misdemeanor trespassing charges), the shameful tale never extends much further than our immediate circle of hyperventilating-with-laughter friends. In Shia LaBeouf's case, however, a similar scenario will instantly make worldwide headline news:

Shia LaBeouf, who starred in "Disturbia" and "Transformers," and stars in the upcoming Indiana Jones sequel, was arrested about 2:25 a.m. at the [Walgreens] store at 757 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago police spokesman Marcel Bright said.

A security guard summoned police after LaBeouf refused several commands to leave the store, Bright said.

The guard signed a complaint against the actor, who was cited on a misdemeanor count of trespassing.

While we'd say it's perhaps premature to dispatch LaBeouf to an out-of-state celebrity wellness facility, far from the fast lane and all the Jäger-fueled pharmacy sit-ins that implies, we think the time might be right for one of Shia's Hollywood titan mentors to sit him down for a little man-to-man talk about just how many crystal-skull-related dollars are resting atop his developing shoulders. And if Spielberg can't talk any sense into him, perhaps Harrison Ford can, explaining, "Look kid—who hasn't hit the Cutty Sark a little too hard, then been ordered to leave the premises after spending an hour sampling toothpaste flavors at a Brentwood Rite Aid? The trick is knowing when to leave quietly," before winking, tousling his young co-star's slicked-back hair, and sending him on his way.