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As the saying goes, hell hath no fury like a Playmate scorned by a reality TV manwhore. Hefnerian figure model Holley Dorrough sharpens her bunny-claws to a razor edge, slashing out wildly at the marginally famous scion of Bruce Jenner in this MySpace attack: "1. Brody Jenner ( Malibu/LA, CA)- You can just go fuck yourself! You and ur little buddy Frankie. You get a high off THINKING you are famous. Think about it dumbass, YOU have done nothing. You are known as Brody, they guy that you will occasionally see on the hills trying to screw Lauren, or the guy who dated Lindsay, or Nicole , whos dad is an Olympic gold medalist a long time ago. But what have you done youself? nothing! You feed off other people to get fame. You only date girls that have made a name for themselves just to be seen with them so you can try and stay in the spotlight. You know that 75% percent of the girls in LA are whores and will have sex with you just to say they did and you take full advantage of that which is disgusting. Its pretty bad when I couldnt even mention your name without AT LEAST one girl in LA saying "ohh watch out for him girl." [MySpace]