Mafia Murder Case Blows Up In D.A.'s Face; Mob Mistress A Liar!

Village Voice reporter Tom Robbins was subpoenaed yesterday over 10-year-old reporting that he brought to light that impacts the prosecution of former FBI agent R. Lindley DeVecchio—in his story, mob mistress Linda Schiro contradicted her already-given testimony. With their star witness in a shambles, now the entire case has gone south—after reviewing the tapes, the Brooklyn D.A. decided they'd rather spend their time pursuing perjury charges. Schiro was the lover of Greg "the Grim Reaper" Scarpa; she has given conflicting information about Scarpa's involvement in three mob murders.
'Rogue' case dropped: Tattletale tapes let former G-man Lindley DeVecchio off [NYDN]