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Every year at the American Magazine Conference, Jason Binn, the chief of Niche Media, hosts a dinner party for those who he deems "important." And every year the AMC planners try to stop him because, well, it's a dumb idea. This year Jason Binn and New York Times star David Carr invited a select group for a night of club hopping. It was all harmless fun until they ended up at a club B.E.D.

So who partook? A partial list includes Binn partner Jerry Powers, the Post's Keith Kelly, Ad Age editor Jonah Boom and Ad Age reporter Nat Ives, WWD's Irin Carmon, Time PR lady Betsy Burton and Hearst PR person Jessica Kleiman.

And what did they do? According to a source, Mr. Binn mounted Mr. Kelly on a bed and danced in a sexually provocative manner all up on him. So if you see any positive coverage of Gotham mag in Kelly's Media Ink, now you know why.