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Tonight hosts a gadget-blog party and a lecture on how to stop the Internet from having a future. Oh, and an almost-astronaut too. All in tonight's Valleywag Calendar.

  • Eurotech blog Ubergizmo is holding a party at L'Atelier North America 2325 Third Street (suite 231) at 6:30 p.m. [Evite]
  • Stanford Law visiting professor Jonathan Zittrain is giving a talk at Facebook titled "The Future of the Internet — and How to Stop It." Stop the Internet! We want to get off! [Facebook]
  • And in something completely not related to tech, teen boybander Lance Bass is signing copies of his new book in the Castro. Bass, if you've forgotten, is the openly gay one from N'Sync. He wanted to go to space but couldn't afford it, and was replaced by Charles Simonyi, the Microsoft gajillionaire and current Martha Stewart entanglement. So, vaguely related to tech after all! [Upcoming]

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