While we'd hoped that the foreboding appearance of Alex Perez, Scab Horseman of the Coming Hollywood Apocalypse would instill enough fear in the warring writer and studio factions to nudge them closer to a new deal, it seems that even the repeated viewing of Perez's soul-chilling Dialogue Sample Promo #1 has done little to stanch the flow of bellicose words from frustrated negotiators.

Now some idling scribes are trying to throw another scare into the industry by offering a glimpse into what our strike-ravaged city might look like as early as Thursday: a place where no citizen is safe from the harassment of the bored screenwriters patrolling every freeway off-ramp, drive-thru window, and hustler-friendly Santa Monica Boulevard corner while they wait to be called back to gigs scripting the next Deuce Bigalow installment.