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Apparently the pretense that George Steinbrenner is still in charge of the Yankees is over!

"It's a shame," Hank Steinbrenner, who is now running the Yankees, said late Sunday night. "But we are all in agreement: myself, my dad, my brother, all the baseball people. If you don't want to be a Yankee and paid what you're being paid, we don't want you, that's the bottom line." [...] Hank Steinbrenner, and his brother, Hal, have taken over day-to-day operations of the team in place of their father, George, the team's principal owner.

Emphasis ours. Boy is that gonna piss off Steinbrenner rep Howard Rubenstein. But, hey, at least Hank is as crazy as George!

For Rodriguez and Yankees, It's All but Over [NYT]