Having survived last week's bloody putsch that stripped her of a position on the Town Council but left five of her most loyal Yellow District adherents dead, deposed Kid Nation pageantator Taylor struggled to make the difficult adjustment to her lowered status within the CBS Bonanza City community during Wednesday night's new episode.

Reduced by the charismatic Zach's revolución to the protection of a single toady, she was very nearly compelled to perform the manual labor she's been lovingly reared to abhor—Little Miss Georgia Cotton Queen 2006's responsibilities do not, she will happily remind you, include shoveling the fecal matter of lesser-bred children—but did, however, finally marshal the strength of privileged will to perform one last act of protest: dumping out the water buckets she'd been commanded to fill as punishment for her indolence. Unfortunately, that dramatic moral victory would be short-lived: if she didn't realize that she'd have to start pulling her weight the moment that host Jonathan Karsh revealed that this week's choice of community-improving rewards would be between an unlimited supply of fresh produce and "a gallows from which you can hang any lazy kid of your choosing from the neck until Taylor—I mean he or she!—is dead," she surely knew that her carefree days of sipping root beer while others scrubbed dirty pots were over when it took her peers a full ten minutes to reach a decision.