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Microsoft is rumored to have completed a deal to acquire a stake in Facebook and expand its current advertising deal. And Facebook PR director Brandee Barker even confirmed the news, if inadvertently. And now, we're already hearing rumors of how exactly Microsoft plans to stir things up on the social network's website.

Here's what we've gathered so far:

  1. Facebook will split into two brands, and Facebook Live.
  2. Facebook Friends Finder Enterprise Edition 2.11
  3. Install too many apps, and you get a blue screen of death instead of zombies.
  4. Outlook to add integrated "poke" feature by 2011.
  5. No more overnight updates to Facebook. New plan: Wait until Apple launches a social network, then upgrade.
  6. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer eats Mark Zuckerberg's brains.
  7. Heard anything else? Microsoft and Facebook welcome your crowdsourced feature ideas in the comments.