What Does Imogen Lloyd Webber Really Smell Like?

When we met Imogen Lloyd Webber at the Penthouse Executive Club on Monday, we decided that "in a way that is not unpleasant she smells like when you floss your teeth, that musty smell that your mouth smells like. That's what she smells like." Some of you understood exactly what I was talking about. Others—those with a firm grasp of dental hygiene—seemed a little baffled. So we decided to ask an expert or some guy with a lot of letters in and after his name. We chose Dr. Ananda P. Dasanayake, B.D.S., M.P.H., Ph.D., an associate professor at NYU's College of Dentistry.
Us: So what is that weird musty smell that happens when you floss?
Dr. Ananda P. Dasanayake, B.D.S., M.P.H., Ph.D.: Um, how did you get this number?
Us: NYU website.
Dr. Ananda P. Dasanayake, B.D.S., M.P.H., Ph.D.: Ok. When you floss if you smell a pungent smell that means there is some inflammation underneath the gums in the periodontal pocket, that is the place between the gum and tooth. If you do not keep those spaces clean plaque accumulates and bacteria destroys the connective tissues. The spaces get deeper and the byproducts of the bacteria give off this odor. Usually the smell in the mouth is called oral malodour or haliotosis.
I personally think Imogen's bewitching scent must have had something to do with all the time she had to spend with her tongue in her cheek to write the Single Girl's Survival Guide. Oh, and not flossing.