An All-Gay-Dumbledore Edition

As if there's any other story on everybody's minds:
· Never has so fabulous a T-shirt design been made available so quickly after a zeitgeist-hijacking story first breaks. You go, gay wizard!
· We're not saying the signs were completely obvious, but a little effort could have easily unscrambled "Albus Dumbledore" to read "Male bods rule, bud!"
· Let the Other Fictional Gay Characters list-making begin: New York fingers Fozzie Bear and Lando Calrissian (as if), while Radar gets a vibe from fudge-tunnel-voyaging Willy Wonka.
· He's here. He's queer. Yet some of us are having a hell of a time getting used to it.
· And finally, the requisite Gay Dumbledore Halloween costume. Oh wait—that's Pimp James Lipton. Never mind.