I've never thought of AOL as having particularly attractive employees. I mean, come on: What would you expect from Dulles, Va.? But AOL France is another story. Or was. I don't think AOL CEO Randy Falco and COO Ron Grant, the inseparable management duo known on campus as "Smithers and Burns," knew much about the French employees they laid off in last week's spasm of cost-cutting. But ... damn. If Rondy had only gotten a gander at them. AOL France reportedly lost 90 of its extremely good-looking 140 employees, most of whom apparently spent their last day on the job creating this stupendous single-take music video to the tune of "L'amour a la française."

Especially touching: They dedicated it to "any lost love." Amazing to think that any AOL employee, at this point in the company's slow-motion implosion, still has passion for the company. (A password-protected, high-resolution version is available on Vimeo. The password is "aollover.") Note the last scene: If you're not up on your French, the giant sign on the company's office reads "For Rent."