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Seth Goldstein, the former Silicon Alley stalwart now stationed in suburban-quaint Mill Valley, Calif., has raised $3.5 million in Series A funding for SocialMedia, his Facebook-application startup. Among SocialMedia's works: the Food Fight and Trakzor widgets. Charles River Ventures lead the investment with SoftTech's Jeff Clavier and Ning cofounder Marc Andreessen (!) participating. Wait a minute, that Seth Goldstein? The ex-VC who brought infamous delivery dotbomb Kozmo to Flatiron Ventures? The guy who, last we heard, was working on AttenTV and other attention-focused ventures?

Same guy, and it looks like his move to California has been a boon to his common sense. In an interview with the late, lamented Business 2.0, Goldstein comes clean with the most honest thing ever said about running a startup.

All of entrepreneurship is a sort of confidence game. So all along I thought I had a clear plan; it's only later, looking back, that I realize I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

Indeed. Seth, we've been trying to tell you that for a while now. Glad to know you're paying attention.