The Village Voice's annual "Best of New York City" issue is out today, and their suggestions include the expected: the best bookstore "that's not The Strand" (Alabaster on 4th); the tortured: "Best place for my mom to cruise for young gay men" (The Container Store? Bleary midnight headline session maybe?); and the inspired: "Best straight-headed ho" (The Reverend Al Sharpton). New York landmarks like Brian Lehrer, Fanelli's and the Staten Island Ferry make appearances and the Voice does us a favor by pointing us in the direction of the city's best Irish bartender. Curiously missing, however, are attached bylines, which ran in last year's Best Of—and, we hear, were meant to run this year as well.

We suspect editor Tony Ortega (Disclosure: a former colleague, who is, I think, not terrible at his job) realized that most of the people who'd contributed BONYC pieces over the last few months had either left or been fired since? Might make for a bit of an awkward staff meeting following publication!

Word has it that pieces from Mara Altman, Adamma Ince, Deborah Kolben, Sean Bosler, Tricia Romano, Keisha Franklin and Laura Conaway make up most of the issue, though you won't find their names anywhere in it.