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Vimeo added high-definition videos to its site today. On hearing the news, Silicon Alley Insider yawned. "Streaming videos that are four times as sharp costs four times as much, and video companies are having a hard enough time making a living off of the crappy-definition stuff." I'm just worried this means founder Jakob Lodwick will add HD videos to his large collection of topless photos. What does an attention whore look like in high-def?

Lodwick's Obeastiality is a good resource for keeping up with one of New York's more aggressively self-involved Internet entrepreneurs. Lodwick, ever current on his Google ego alerts, responds to SAI:

I don't think SAI is speaking from a "business" perspective as much as a "short-term cost perspective." Our decision to add HD is part of a long-range business vision that has nothing to do with the current crop of video-sharing sites.

Unfortunately, Lodwick likes to share more than his thoughts. Obsessive Lodwick fans are already aware of his habit of taking a photograph of himself on waking, but it may be news to many. Here are a few shots he took over the weekend. Notice a running theme?

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Just imagine when he makes the leap to video. And where's the boy ever going to find someone who understands his self-obsession?