Why aren't videogames free?
Radiohead has stirred up a lot of hoopla with its name-your-own-price album download In Rainbows. Naturally, the curious wonder whether the do it yourself model can be transferred to videogames. The answer: no. Videogame developers and publishers are dependent on games sales — there's no equivalent of the concert tour or other sideline business where they can make money. Some independent studios are attempting to become their own publishers, effectively freeing themselves from a record label equivalent, but selling directly to consumers online isn't as easy as it sounds. Setting up a true digital distribution arm like Valve Software's Steam, is expensive — and that one is only for PCs. Console gaming doesn't yet have the storage capacity, business model, or open access to be a viable digital solution to retail stores, for which you need the backing of a large publisher. In other words, stop dreaming of getting away with paying a nickel for Halo 4. Master Chief wants you to pay up. (Photo by GameLuv)