Should you find yourself (God be with you) working at a Los Angeles talent agency, and should you then have the good sense to quit after one week, try running your "Dear Ari" letter by a sober friend before you send it in. The career you save may be your own. Do note: This advice is applicable to many other places of employment, such as law firms, hedge funds, and Conde Nast. The letter follows.

——— Forwarded Message
From: (redacted)
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 07:40:42 -0700 (PDT)
To: (redacted)
Subject: Please Read

Dear Mr. (redacted) and Mr. (redacted)

After much soul searching i have come to the decision that the position i have been training for is not for me. I had to experience it myself to truly know for sure. I tried, and i learned a lot. Its important for you both to know that i have a huge heart, and that i am an extremely passionate person. I love that about me and i don't want that to change or grow cold. I don't want to hide from my creative side and dive into talent management because it seems safer. I remember you said, i need to stop doubting myself. If that's the case then i need to pursue to my true goals. Jeff you are one of the top notch guys in the talent rep business. You took a chance on me, you told me that you saw something in me and gave me a job, I'll never forget that. This isn't about having thick skin, its about figuring out how i can be happy & truly enjoy what i do without sacrificing who i am, or caring so much about proving people right or wrong. I am after all, a story teller and a dreamer (I always have been ) I enjoy working on a set & feeling like i am part of the art as its being made. I want to inspire people by making films one day that move them; socially conscious projects that carry a message. I am so thank full for the opportunity to come into your office and learn how your side of the business works. I don't feel that my training has cost you anything as Mike was able to maintain all opps and train me at the same time. Also you will have him long enough to find a replacement for me. I know you may feel let down and very disappointed and i hate to put you through that. I realize that you might think self-doubt got the best of me, buts that not the case. You empowered me to think long and hard about what i really want and i realized that i had to make a

choice about this and standy by it.

I really love and appreciate you guys and the time you have invested in me. I will mail back the key card for parking, i suggest you put stop on any check that might be out for it. I dont feel well, so i will be available if you need to reach me around this afternoon.

All My Best,
