Before we tease Howard Kurtz again, we'd just like to say for the record that we find him to be kind of endearing, in an A/V club member kind of way. He's enthusiastic enough to maintain his own Facebook site and to do cheesy-ass things like interview himself about his own book on his own news show. That said, he's enthusiastic enough to do cheesy-ass things like interview himself about his own book on his own news show. Auto-fellating stunts like this outside of middle school are just a tad over-the-top. Are some tepid reviews prompting this kind of prancing about? The press isn't letting up on his quick-draw research skills or his performance in the art of the self-shill. We're not sure if anyone at CNN signed off on Kurtz's decision to invite a panel of media critics to interview him on that very same show, but running clips of his book tour appearances probably didn't earn him any friends among "the sneering class." When asked (groan) by himself, "who the biggest influence on the anchors is these days," Howie offered up old pal Jon Stewart, reasoning that he "points out the absurdity of real news!" Too bad Stewart wasn't in on the planning for this Reliable Sources broadcast.