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Ten of PC Magazine's 100 favorite blogs are Gawker Media sites. Backscratching is right out as an explanation. As far as we know, the magazine's South San Francisco Midtown-based staffers have never even met Gawker dark lord Nick Denton, nor anyone from Consumerist, Deadspin, Defamer, Gawker, Gizmodo, Gridskipper, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Wonkette or Valleywag. Just as surprising: None of the usual tech A-listers — Winer, Scoble, Calacanis — made the cut, except for media pundit Jeff Jarvis. Gawker staffers aren't that stoked about it. We're far more caught up in this week's cover story about the company in New York magazine, an elite Manhattan publication largely unheard of here in the Valley. You'll never make it through New York's 6,000-word opus, so here's the takeaway: Our core value is outsider rage, but "Gawker blogs maintain standards of stratospherically higher writing quality than other Websites." Also, we reportedly have really great sex and drugs.