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Startup advisor Guy Kawasaki has added a new, useless feature to rumor-submission site Truemors. Exploiting the popularity of microblogging site Twitter, the devilishly unsuccessful angel investor has created a Twitter profile for the site and a tab displaying submissions to that profile, making it easier for text-message users — or the merely lazy — to participate. Clearly, Kawasaki hopes this "Twitter News Network" will metastasize Truemors throughout Silicon Valley's body impolitic. At least Kawasaki practices what he preaches: This is surely one of the stupid things you can do with less money. Unfortunately, the rumors, while perhaps more rapid, remain random and uninteresting, drawn on rereported news, not real gossip. Even Kawasaki may realize this: he doesn't allow users to vote, Digg-style, on Twittered Truemors.