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VIENNA, VA. — The mood, as AOL employees face next week's widely expected mass layoffs, remains downright jolly. Why, AOLers are spontaneously bursting into song! This latest mock Christmas carol arrived in our inbox — and Valleywag has a cameo:


Tech blogs sing
Are you listening?
Anonymous comments
Oh so blistering.
Valleywag's all we get
No official word yet
Working in a Layoff Wonderland.

Gone away
Is Headquarters
Here to stay
Is ... well, who knows?
They talk Platform A
And 770 Broadway
Working in a Layoff Wonderland.

On the quad
We can build a pyre
And pretend that it's for Ronnie Grant
We'll say "Am I employed?"
He'll say "No, man"
But we won't know for sure
Until Tuesday.

Later on, we'll conspire
As we wonder, "Am I fired?"
To face unafraid
The lists that they've made
Working in a Layoff Wonderland.

On the Web
We can post our rumors
And pretend that it's official news
We'll have lots of fun bashing Falco
Until the HR lackeys come to town.

Tuesday's coming, ain't it thrilling
Until then, it's time we're killing
We'll frolic and play
Through the workday
Working in a Layoff Wonderland ...
Working in a Layoff Wonderland ...
Working (not) in a Layoff Wonderland.