Last night we went out for late drinks at Von, on Bleecker, to observer the departure of Alex Balk and Doree Shafrir from this here website. There I was accosted by a woman who was referred to as a "slutty intern" in a recent Gawker post about Harper's editor Roger Hodge.

I had known this woman from my days as an intern at Harper's. "I may be slutty," she said, "but I'm no intern." It was true, she's now an editor!

After berating me for a few minutes ("If my name shows up on Gawker, I'm going to hunt someone down!") I informed her I wasn't the one who had written about her anyway and that if she would like to register her complaint, perhaps a more appropriate person to talk with could be found. She wasn't interested.

Then, a bit later and drunker in the evening, she approached a group clustered on the sidewalk. They asked her where she worked. "I'm from Harper's," she said. "Harper's Bazaar?" one asked. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," she said. Charmed! Then she bummed a cigarette.