Broadcast your miserable life with

On the Internet, everyone is famous to about 15 people. In case you happen to be an anomaly, wants to ensure you have your own shot at microcelebrity. Since YouTube quickly turned into a dumping ground for loser-generated content, creating another video destination that hosts unedited, streaming video of oh-so-important mundane lives seems like a brilliant idea. The fact that Justin Kan continues to raise funding despite his 30 seconds of Internet superstardom drying up is a sure sign of the pending Web 2.0 apocalypse.
Kan's company is late to the lifecasting-platform game — or Kyte, anyone? — and yet he remains convinced he's the Second Coming of online video. Does the Internet honestly need thousands of people lifecasting? No one can possibly be that interesting. And hundreds of companies to help them embarrass themselves in public? If this doesn't devolve into live pornographic Webcamming, it's time to move off the grid.