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We're not sure what's a more distressing sign about the current state of Vin Diesel's career: that he's squandered so much time chasing his impossible elephant dreams that he now has no choice but to cash a 4 Fast 4 Furiouser paycheck (no logline, according to THR, "but fast cars are involved"), or that he's been absent from the multiplex for so long that he can no longer be distinguished from a fourth-place finisher from American Idol.

However, we should point out that things could always be worse: We could be reading an announcement about Diesel's attachment to A Man Apart 2: A Man Still Apart and looking at a photo that confuses the erstwhile action star with the similarly hairless Idol also-ran Phil Stacey.

[Update: For the record, it seems that Getty Images can't tell Diesel from Daughtry, either.]