Chris Crocker, MySpace and YouTube star and teen LOLgay, is now the awareness spokesperson for not putting naked pictures of yourself online. A week or so ago, an extremely gay blog posted extremely naked pictures of Crocker that they said they found on the "Suicide Boys Livejournal Community or on a dating site." (We didn't link to them because he was like, 17 or something when he took the pictures.) Now the young web sensation has found meaning in a quest: helping other home-schooled teens to not put the butt-nekkid jpegs on the internets. It's a great and timely public service campaign for our time. He's also working on his zen practice: Crocker told Seattle-based reporter Eli Sanders of folks on the internet that "If they want to stare at a 17-year-old cock all day, that's their damage." Good point! But was the internet designed for doing anything else?