According to Jobacle, a career advice website that may or may not be real, there once was an apartment in the News Corp. building at 1211 Sixth Avenue , hidden behind a utility closet door. It was set up by a senior Fox News Channel executive for a a "building manager-type." This guy would take ladies back to this pad and do with them what he would. After a couple complaints, the apartment was quickly dismantled and turned into an office. A really terrible office.

I don't know how long this dude was living there, or how he listed his address on magazine subscriptions, but I do know the whole thing blew up in his face after he allegedly brought woman employees back to his corporate pad. One of them blew the whistle and the apartment was quickly dismantled. I mean fast.

True, we were running out of office space. However, they had my department working out of "the apartment" within a week. In fact, no one would ever guess that this room was once a place where a man cooked eggs, had sex and laid his head at night.

There was one problem though: FOX refused to remove the toilet. And that's where yours truly was stuck working.

The bedroom became my supervisor's office, complete with a closet and hanging mirror on the back of the door. The living area (which housed a makeshift kitchen) was divided between myself and three co-workers. It wasn't the tightest working quarters ever, but it sure was awkward. Maybe because we all knew what it once was. Maybe because there were no windows. Or maybe, because the toilet reeked.

The Secret Apartment At Fox News [Jobacle]