Meet Kevin, The One Straight Man on 'Project Runway 4'
Last week, we invited you to examine the headshots of the new Project Runway contestants, and join us for a round of "guess the token straight male." (We suppose we should at this point at least acknowledge the female contestants, about whom we'd say: most attractive group so far, though we're getting a very Wendy Pepper vibe from the misleadingly named Sweet P.) As it turns out, our guesses of rare, leopard-spotted bear Chris and well-scrubbed newsie Marion were both way off the mark, according to's definitive PR4 Manlovers report:
As of Friday, Jack, Chris, Ricky and Steven were the out-loud, out-proud designsketeers angling for the title and prize money that were confirmed by the network as openly gay. And as it's our site's policy not to speculate about sexuality, we left it at that. But today we've had a few more fellas come forward to join the gay party:
Christian, Marion, and Rami.
If you didn't do the math, that leaves one lone straight male contestant (Kevin) and seven out of fifteen total contestants (or as Heidi would say, "Fifteeeeeeen deesigners!") are openly gay men.
Congratulations to any of you who guessed the sole male breeder was Kevin from Fairfield, NJ, who feels comfortable enough in his rigid heterosexuality to admit in the video above that his body contains Italian grandma seed.