Glaring Omissions reproduces tips received from readers in the last week that weren't covered on Gawker, either by accident (it happens!) or by design (it happens more often).

  • "You are truly a group of imbeciles, worthy of contempt. not sure if you were aware, just thought i'd 'tip' you off to that just in case."
  • "Yeah thats who i want to meet..ugly lesbian socialist. Ill stick to bars in murray hill."
  • "So you guys added another Jezebel post to lifehacker & again with the misandrous, incoherent ranting!? I could fill pages with my thoughts on the issue, but that's not my point here. Why is any of this relevant to lifehacker? It's completely off topic for such an otherwise insightful blog. I think I'm not alone in visiting lifehacker for ingenuity and wisdom, not poorly constructed hate speech.
    Solutions are more constructive than accusations, so to the article I would offer this: the expectations that truly matter in this world are your own."
  • "Have you heard about the new book "The Little Black Apron"? It is sort of Sex and the City meets Cooking Light...a fun, informational cookbook for hip single woman. I have added this to my "go to" gift idea list for my girlfriends and think everyone else should do the same! Check out the is ADORABLE!!"
  • "Such a brutal act

    I'm alarmed by the cool tone of your terse response regarding the disturbing nature of such a brutal act.

    In what ways do you think you would respond if it was you or your child who was brutalized by a gang of armed zealots?"
  • [All from same sender] Sent Wednesday, Sept. 26, 13:48: "11:45am, L&O: CI filming on 70th btwn Park & Madison. 1:45, filming at 74th btwn Madison & 5th. Was told they're off to the park after that."
    Sent Wednesday, Sept 26, 23:18: "What, just not interesting enough for you to post?"
    Sent Thursday, Sept 27, 13:27: "Jimmy Kimmel is right about you guys"
  • "My name is Albert Howard.
  • This letter is an invitation to view my website at
  • I am an official FEC candidate in the race to become the 44th President of the United States of America.
  • I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you in person regarding my 2008 campaign.
  • Check out this popular video, "Nigger: An Extremely Holy Word!" at
  • Thank you for your time.
  • Albert Benjamin Howard"
  • "please tell me mister that the things people say are not so about the Balk. if these things they say are so, i has some needs to tell my things to the Balk. the Balk owes me dolars that i am owed for the pig fights. there are 50 of the dolars to be very exact. the Balk knows about this thing and there are needs to tell him."
  • Scarily enough, I do know about this thing. And, no, I'm not telling you.