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Finally, Bravo has announced a premiere date for the return of Project Runway: November 14th. In anticipation of that long-overdue event, has posted photos of the new batch of contestants—a rogues gallery of dandies and divas that led to an impromptu round of "guess the token straight male" here at Gawker HQ.

Mark instantly fingered Chris, or, as he described him, "the one who looks like Eddie Izzard fucked Jay McCarroll," suspecting his arched eyebrow, animal prints, and bearish figure were merely red herrings carefully set to throw his female Atlas Apartments roomies off of the fact that he secretly enjoys the company of women. And while the tiny arrow pointing at Christian suggests the producers are trying to tell us something about that asymmetrically coiffed competitor, we're going to have go with contestant Marion, whose personal style appears to be directly inspired by Disney's Newsies—which any musical aficionado will tell you was one of the most hetero explorations of the genre ever made.