The object of your curiosity is a $21 variation on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: a special, though almost every night it's on the menu, described as a "torchon of foie gras, macadamia nut butter, strawberry-vanilla jam, toasted brioche." At a restaurant known for taking culinary whimsy to a sometimes illogical extreme, this invention seems decidedly illogical: a kitschy bastardization of a fourth-grader's lunch.

Former Gawker editor Doree Shafrir, in her first piece at her new Observer gig, heads up to David Burke & Donatella to sample what sounds like the world's most disgusting sandwich. All we can say is we begged Doree, on pretty much a daily basis, to write something in the second person, and she repeatedly kept telling us to go fuck ourselves. Apparently Peter Kaplan, her new puppetmaster, is just that much more charming.

Foie Gras Goes Goofy [NYO]