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With next summer's franchise blockbusters like The Dark Knight and Indiana Jones in the Land of the Diamond Skulls knee-deep into their production schedules, so are plans for the confectionery merchandising tie-ins coveted by shrill, skirt-tugging children and paunchy, middle-aged fanboys alike. Eschewing such creative but functionally infeasible options of the past—such as the boulder-sizedRaiders gobstopper that tragically killed 17 children in the summer of 1981—Lucasfilm has paired with Mars to deliver a chai-coconut Snickers that simply screams "adventure in exotic locales." Brandweek reports:

Even Mars is getting into the act with its Snickers Adventure bar containing a hint of chai and coconut. The limited edition offering ties in with Lucasfilm's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The Indy tie-in also extends to M&M's, which will offer limited-edition Mint Crisp flavor.

Reese's [The Dark Knight] line will include bat-shaped chocolate and peanut butter pieces, and Kit Kat wafers bars will be stamped with the bat signal.

As the details concerning Indy's latest foray remain closely guarded, we're straining to figure out how mint wafer M&Ms relate to the source material. Knight's bat-shaped candy, meanwhile, offers a more obvious tie-in; we only hope the shilling ends at store shelves, and that our nocturnal hero doesn't throw us out of the action by suddenly turning to his trusted Gotham City Police Department ally to ask, "Hey, Lieutenant Gordon—break me off a piece of that Kit Bat bar, would you?"