We have Demo's list — now what's the real surprise?

Well, that was much too easy. The organizers of the Demo conference, it turns out, have gone back on promises made on the website ("the list is not released prior to the conference") and has put the list of startups appearing at next week's event out in a press release. Bastards! The list is technically embargoed until Monday at 7 a.m., but if so, why'd they put it out on the Net? Well, it turns out that the secret secret is what the companies plan to demonstrate. So here's your chance to send in the real dirt: If you have the inside track on any planned demonstrations, send it in by Sunday. After the jump, the full list of companies.
DEMOfall 07 Demonstrators
360desktop, Pty Ltd.; Victoria, Australia; www.360desktop.com
Advanta; Spring House, PA; www.ideablob.com
AgendiZe; Grapevine, TX; www.agendize.com
Apprema, Inc.; Sunnyvale, CA;www.apprema.com
Attendi, Inc.; New York, NY; www.attendi.com
BatchBlue Software, LLC; Barrington, RI; www.batchblue.com
CashView, Inc.; Palo Alto, CA; www.CashView.com
Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd.; Redwood City, CA; www.checkpoint.com
ClipBlast!; Agoura Hills, CA; www.clipblast.com
coComment; Geneva, Switzerland; www.cocomment.com
CodaSystem France S.A.; Paris, France; www.shootandproof.com
CornerWorld; Dallas, TX; www.cornerworld.com
Digital Fountain; Fremont, CA; www.digitalfountain.com
Diigo, Inc.; Reno, NV; www.diigo.com
DimDim, Inc.; Burlington, MA; www.dimdim.com
earthmine, Inc.; Berkeley, CA; www.earthmine.com
EncryptaKey; Cypress, CA; www.encryptakey.com
Exalead, Inc.; New York, NY; www.exalead.com
FastCall411, Inc.; Hollywood, CA; www.fastcall411.com
Fluid Innovation, Inc.; Austin, TX; www.fluidinnovation.com
Fusion-io; Salt Lake City, UT; www.fusionio.com
Generate, Inc., Maynard, MA; www.generateinc.com
Glam Media; Brisbane, CA; www.glammedia.com
Global Communications, Inc.; Houston, TX; www.globalcasttv.net
Global Mobile Technologies, LLP; San Francisco, CA; www.push-it.com
Graspr, Inc.; Sunnyvale, CA; www.graspr.com
iForem, Inc.; Redwood Shores, CA; www.iforem.com
InstaColl; Bangalore, India; www.live-documents.com
Jasper Wireless; Sunnyvale, CA; www.jasperwireless.com
kannuu, Inc.; Dallas, TX; www.kannuu.com
LiveMocha, Inc.; Bellevue, WA; www.livemocha.com
LogMeIn, Inc.; Woburn, MA; www.logmein.com
LongJump; Sunnyvale, CA; www.longjump.com
matchmine, LLC; Needham, MA; www.matchmine.com
MetaRADAR, Inc.; San Bruno, CA; www.metaradar.com
mig33; Burlingame, CA; www.mig33.com
MotionDSP, Inc.; San Mateo, CA; www.motiondsp.com
mSpoke, Inc.; Pittsburgh, PA; www.mspoke.com
MuseStorm, Ltd.; Yahud, Israel; www.musestorm.com
Myndnet; East Palo Alto, CA; www.myndnet.com
Myxer; Deerfield Beach, FL; www.myxer.com
Ncursion; Carlsbad, CA; www.ncursion.com
PeopleJam, Inc.; Los Angeles, CA; www.peoplejam.com
Phreesia, Inc.; New York, NY; www.phreesia.com
PlanHQ; Wellington, New Zealand; www.planhq.com
Prolify, Inc.; Waltham, MA; www.prolify.com
Propel Software Corporation; San Jose, CA; www.propel.com
Proxure; San Luis Obispo, CA; www.proxure.com
Pudding Media, Inc.; San Jose, CA; www.thepudding.com
Quire, Inc.; Mountain View, CA; www.myquire.com
Qumranet; Santa Clara, CA; www.qumranet.com
Real Time Content, Ltd.; Ipswich, England; www.realtimecontent.com
RedSquare Ventures, Ltd.; Moscow, Russia; www.redsquareventures.com
RelevantMind, Corp.; Berkeley, CA; www.RelevantMind.com
SceneCaster; Richmond Hill, Canada; www.scenecaster.com
SpaceTime; New York, NY; www.spacetime.com
spigit; Pleasanton, CA; www.spigit.com
Sway, Inc.; Middleton; WI; www.shoutlet.com
Talari Networks, Inc.; Cupertino, CA; www.talarinetworks.com
Trovix; Mountain View, CA; www.trovix.com
Truphone; London, England; www.truphone.com
Tubes Networks, Inc.; Boston, MA; www.TubesNow.com
Tungle Corporation; Montreal, Canada; www.tungle.com
Vello; Mountain View, CA; www.myvello.com
Vitarati, Inc.; San Luis Obispo, CA; www.seenr.com
Vyro Games, Ltd.; Dublin, Ireland; www.vyro-games.com
WMS Gaming; Waukegan, IL; www.wms.com
Your Truman Show, Inc.; San Francisco, CA; www.YourTrumanShow.com
Yuuguu, Ltd.; Manchester, England; www.yuuguu.com