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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you window-shopped for affordably priced furnishings with a hobbit.

In today's episode: Jason Schwartzman; Justin Timberlake; Dominic Monaghan; Alicia Silverstone and Jemaine Clement; Tony Hale; Billy Baldwin; Harry Dean Stanton and Ron Jeremy.

· 9/19 at 5:30ish, a preppily dressed (i.e. chino shorts) Jason Schwartzman pulled up to metered space in front of Sprinkles in a dirty Prius. He was instantly recognizable and quite short. He appeared to contemplate waiting or cutting in the really long line but then walked elsewhere. He had a cane and dance shoes in the front seat, a Jansport backpack & an APC shopping bag in the back. Overheard a tourist in the Sprinkles line noting that he was walking as if his butt hurt.

· This may be too old to post but it's a goody. I saw Justin Timberlake the day after the VMA's, on the night of his cancelled performance (9-10), at Kasu-ya sushi in Studio City. He was with two girls, maybe publicity chicks. They were not hot and he looked bored. He was very 'Au Bon Pain' in hideous jean shorts and a hoodie. Au Bon Pain means if he was working there, no one would think he was cute.

· September 20, 4:15 I was standing out on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette when I spotted this cute young man walking in front of West Elm on 4th Street in Santa Monica. It was Dominic Monaghan, the hobbit from Lost. Anyway, he was wearing these tight little jeans that drooped down in back exposing a good three inches of very nice red paisly boxers - they might have been silk. As he checked out the windows of West Elm, I said, perhaps a bit too out loud, "Oh my, isn't that lovely?" And he pulled his pants up before walking into Michael's Art Supplies. I was going to follow him in but needed to get back to work so I'll have to wonder if he was picking up scrapbooking supplies, shrinky-dinks or perhaps artificial flowers so that his LA digs will feel more like Maui.

· At the New Pornographers show last night (9/19), was up on the roof of the Henry Fonda, in the loungey outdoor couch seating area toward the end of the show, and so was Alicia Silverstone with an entourage of older dreadlocked white guys. Huh. Anyway, she looks very skinny — kind of scary skinny — but she was happy and giggly and looked totally normal for a celebrity. I'm also pretty sure I saw Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords by the bar on the first floor, but I'm not as sure about that one.

· Tony Hale (Buster from Arrested D) at Trader Joe's in Silver Lake yesterday afternoon (Mon. 9/17) with his wife and adorable little daughter. Nice that he takes advantage of a flexible work sched to help out with the household shopping duties.

· Billy Baldwin out with his co-star Candis Cayne (a real transgendered actress playing Baldwin's transgendered mistress on "Dirty Sexy Money") Out at Advocate Party last Tuesday night at Republic.

· 9/12 - Walked into Dan Tana's a little past midnight only to find ever-so-attractive Ron Jeremy hovering at the front door. Later he was joined in a booth by a couple that could only be described as crack-chic. Meanwhile, lurking at the bar was Harry Dean Stanton in a menacing way.