Mr. Black Is Coming Back In Black!

Super-gay super-underground nightclub Mr. Black, the scene of recent intense police attention resulting in a drug raid with almost no score, will reopen in January 2008—but not in the space sullied by the coppers. According to an email sent by its proprietor (Mr. Black, obvs!) it'll be finding bigger digs. Until then, there's the promise of monthly parties for those who need to feel dirty.
Mr Black and Miss Black have made a very difficult decision in regards to mr Black Dance Den at its present location. The decision has been made to move mr Black to a larger space due to the tremendous demand and success of the nightclub. Mr Black will not re-open in its current location and is expected to re-open in its larger incarnation in January 2008. It is quite obvious that any past trouble that has occurred from mr Black was due to overwhelming demand of an underground bar turning into a cutting edge nightclub, hence the solution to the problem is our present decision. We know our fan base will be very lost in the coming months so stay tuned for upcoming details about future monthly parties until the Grand re-opening in January 2008. Go to for accurate updates. New Live DJ sets will be available weekly in the mr Black Podcast.
We thank everyone for their continued support. Rest assured that we are not going anywhere and this difficult decision to close temporarily is to ensure long term success and continued fun for everyone.
See you all on the dance floor very soon.