Julia Allison breaks up with her nerd boyfriend

How typical: Julia Allison, the New York dating columnist and TV personality, has broken up with her boyfriend, Vimeo founder Jakob Lodwick. By blog post. And email. Yes, she has, at last, become one with the byways of Silicon Valley. Gawker has the blow-by-blow. So why should anyone on this coast care? Only to note the spread of our unfortunate social mores eastward. The Allison-Lodwick relationship, according to her email, was sexless. The couple, instead, bonded by talking about blogging and business plans. Lodwick never even had a chance to unseat software blogger Joel Spolsky Michael Pryor, the business partner of software blogger Joel Spolsky — yes, he's the one she wrote about — as the ultimate object of Allison's carnal attentions. (Photoillustration by Gawker)