The Hollywood Father-Daughter Purity Ball

Having subjected Defamer PartyWatcher Ann to all manner of heresy at events like Derby Dolls and Lucha VaVoom, we thought it time to send her to something a little more wholesome. The Hollywood Purity Ball seemed to fit that bill: It's a touching event brought to you by the same folks as the Hollywood Hell House, where virginal daughters dance the night away with their dates—their fathers—while pledging them their purity, until such time as they get married or die. (Yes, these things actually take place.) After being shut out of the original location at the Bulgarian Cultural Center, the event relocated to a former Acapulco restaurant on La Cienega, where Reverend Bill Maher presided over the proceedings with holy panache. Ann's report, and a full image gallery taken by guest photographer Maggie Serrano, follow after the jump:
It's hard to remain a virgin in Hollywood. Lucky for us there is the Hollywood Youth Group's Hollywood Father/Daughter Purity Ball, a support group for young ladies to pledge their virginity to daddy while at the same time getting ogled by Reverend Bill Maher. The night consisted of host Terry Pilsner from Aurora, Illinois hurling insults at his portly wife, forcing his pre-teen daughters to participate in a father-daughter dating game, and calling out the sins of the blacks and the homosexuals, like any good Evangelical. The highlights of the night were the evangelical rants of Reverend Bill Maher, who compared young daughters to "unstained" Maseratis, supportively offering, "Please call me at any hour of the night and together, we can find a solution!"