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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted a close-to-bursting Salma Hayek giggling at herself in a Beatles musical.

In today's episode: Vince Vaughn; Keanu Reeves; Salma Hayek; Luke Wilson; William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman; Hugh Hefner; Dennis Quaid and Harry Dean Stanton; David Arquette; Sandra Oh; Larry King; Geena Davis; Adam Goldberg; Benjamin Bratt; Seal; Jimmy Fallon; Mindy Kaling; Paul Reiser; Henry Winkler; Colin Hanks; Sherry Lansing; Mena Suvari; Dave Navarro; Emily Procter; Lou Barlow and Danny Bonaduce.

· 9/9: Saw notorious tall-drink-of-water Vince Vaughn riding a bike down Abbot Kinney in Venice, peddling a few feet behind a dude pal. Even seated on a bicycle, the giant Vaughn towered over the yuppo-bohemians scurrying along the nearby sidewalks, windowshopping for overpriced furniture.

· I was working my shift at the Hooters of Hollywood on 9/14 when I saw Keanu Reeves with a lanky male friend. Keanu was flirting with his waitress, a hot brunette. Looked like they exchanged numbers on napkins.

· As if "Across the Universe" wasn't trippy enough, my friends and I were sitting next to Salma Hayek and her boyfriend/fiancee/ husband/impregnator during the 420 showing of it on Saturday (9/15) at the Arclight. She's very pregnant and very beautiful and the two of them were cracking up during her scene...

· 09/15/07 - Spotted Luke Wilson at Guero's Taco Bar in Austin, TX, looking very "I've grown a full beard in order to not be recognized and asked about my psychotic older brother."

· Sept 9: While headed through the Roosevelt Hotel lobby on the way to use their fine restroom facilites, saw William H. Macy giving wife Felicity Huffman a footrub on one of the sofas, an oddly conspicous display of tootsie-pampering skills. Even though I couldn't really stare (that would have been rude) , it appeared that he wasn't ticklin' or nothin'.

· 9/13 - Thursday night at Ketchup on Sunset saw Hugh Hefner having dinner with seven of his "associates." Had him landlocked in a big booth while paps (or their crew?) did their thing. Dude is old and busted. At least eleventy. I know that's not new info, but damn. And his associates are whore-tastic. Obvi.

· 9/13 Accidentally caught Dennis Quaid's band last night at Santa Monica jazz and blues cave, Harvelles. There were about ten people there, but all Defamer-required snarkage aside: they're really fucking good. Quaid does a mean Doors cover and Harry Dean Stanton is the harmonica rocking-est polygamist I've ever seen.

· Approaching the corner of Dayton Way and Wilshire, I think it was Dayton, the one that dead ends at Neiman's, there was a film crew shooting and if I hadn't known it was a film shoot I would not have noticed David Arquette. He looked non-descript although he was enviably reed thin and shorter than me. Then after I had a lobster club salad at The Mariposa with a friend we saw Sandra Oh at the Kiehl's counter stocking up for beauty event.

· It's not just the seeing Larry King buying an assortment of papers and magazines Monday morning (9-17) at Al's Newsstand in Beverly Hills that's what's exciting - it's the designer jeans he was wearing. Now we're talking...

· Saturday 9/15: at Iroha Sushi in Studio City, Geena Davis, looking the epitome of frumpy. She walked in with her husband (who looks like a poor man's Jeff Goldblum) and dined with another couple.

· Sept 12 - Saw adam goldberg at the spoon show tonight; such a cutie in his western shirt, tight pants, and boots. Was he trying to feign being from austin so the band would like him more? This austin girl loved it.

· Saw Benjamin Bratt at Peet's Coffee & Tea on Main Street in Santa Monica Monday a.m. He was just out of the shower, hair wet, fresh t-shirt and jeans. So, so hot.

· 9/16 - I was enjoying a quiet Sunday morning reading the NY Times outside a Starbucks in Beverly Hills when a loud black Ferrari (or Lamborghini?) pulls up and idles outside Nate 'N Al's next door. Sitting behind the wheel having a serious conversation on his cell was Seal mere hours before strutting down the red carpet with his stunning wife Emmy-nominated wife. (By the way, damn all y'all who voted for Amazing Race instead of Project Runway.) He sat there on the street taking up the right lane until people trying to pass started to get annoyed, except the couple that slowed to take a photo, so he made a u-turn and hung on the opposite side of the street. I expected a busboy to run out and load up the car built for sex with bagels, lox and cream cheese. But when a spot opened up, a couple young guys (they really got a kick out of this) helped guide Seal into the spot so he wouldn't ding their way inferior car. Seal hopped out, still gabbing away about editing photos, and walked by me into the Starbucks where he loaded up on treats, presumably for his adorable family. He looked hot in a black t-shirt and jeans, and he smelled really good.

· Saturday night, Sunset Strip by Roxy, Jimmy Fallon was walking down the street with his fiancee. No one really seemed to notice him, much less bother him. He and the lady were both wearing jeans and he had a black hipster blazer with a t-shirt underneath that was also probably hipster-ish. I was trying to be too cool pretending not to notice him to actually look over and read what it said.

· on thursday, after grilled cheese night at campanile (excellent, by the way), we headed to milk, the dairy kingdom on beverly. While enjoying a milkshake, i look up to see the office's resident gwen stefani fan mindy kaling standing by the cookie display. she smiled at me a few times with that "i know you know who i am, and thanks for watching" look in her eyes, but no words were exchanged.

the next night, we took in a screening of "across the universe" at the landmark. sitting right by the entrance of our theater was paul reiser. he looked quite a bit older than his sitcom heyday, and had a full head of grey hair. guess he hasn't had much else to do but get older?

afterwards, we saw the fonz himself, henry winkler, going down the escalators. he was wearing the exact opposite of fonz garb: a really garishly colored plaid shirt. no sign of opie either.

· Sunday, Sept. 16th.
I saw Colin Hanks at Q's on Wilshire at around 11:30am. He blended into the sea of Sunday morning football fans by keeping his face hidden under a baseball cap and glasses. He sat down by the pool tables and cheered for the mighty New York Giants. Unfortunately the Giants lost, so I hereby declare Colin Hanks as bad-luck.

· Hey, I'm totally late on these, but the week before Labor Day I saw
Sherry Lansing gathering with friends/family at the Starbucks in Westwood near Wilshire. Same week I saw shaved-head Mena Suvari at the Whole Foods in Santa Monica on Wilshire. Both looked good, albeit in totally different ways.

· On Emmy Day, I went to The Grove to see "The Brave One" and spotted in the theater Dave Navarro with some gorgeous but generic blonde.

Later, at Maggiano's Little Italy, I spotted Emily Procter (CSI: Miami) dining with 2 other ladies and 3 definite middle-aged Gay men. One looked very much like the tall, spiky-haired, glasses wearing host from some cable makeover show, but I just couldn't figure which one, and IMDB is being mean to me.

· If it wasn't for the fact that he looks exactly like you would expect him to, I wouldn't have believed that it was indie-rock icon Lou Barlow shopping at DSW Shoe Warehouse in the Paseo Colorado in Pasadena on Saturday, September 15 with his wife and young daughter. I wanted to say something out of deference and admiration but I was drawing a blank on the names of Sebadoh albums and was afraid he might quiz me or something.

· Sunday afternoon, Sept. 16th - Mom and li'l sis were in town from CA's Central Valley so of course we went to The Grove. I mentioned that celebs were known to have been spotted there from time to time. All we managed to come up with was Danny Bonaduce, apparently lacking an Emmy ticket, in new blue jeans and a gray tee, walking alone toward the Farmer's Market, lighting a fag (smoking a cigarette, that is). He turned up again as we were picking up the car from the valet at the FM, this time carrying a new backpack over his shoulder, again lighting one up. Mom was happy, but she said a little too loudly that he looked like a bum. And yes, he was within earshot...sorry, Danny.

· Saturday September 8
Danny Bonaduce at the Miracle Mile Ralph's looking unaturally/frighteningly orange. Definitely fit, he spent 10 minutes looking at hair coloring. I'm just sayin'.