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In what we will admit is a shameless attempt at pandering to the sizable Kiefer Sutherland-worshipping segment of our readership, we spotlight the following item from this week's Popbitch newsletter, in which the 24 star and beloved drinking buddy of countless eastside drinking establishment patrons threatens to singlehandedly take down a mob of Romanians who showed a heretical disregard for his sacred movie set:

Kiefer Sutherland has been shooting a movie, Mirrors, in Romania. When he first arrived on set there was quite an unruly crowd of people to negotiate, and Kiefer was visibly troubled by the jostling. He announced to the crew, "If anyone gets in my way on my way to set I will bodycheck them. This is my church, this is my fucking church."

Anyone familiar with the actor's dedication to craft knows this was no idle threat: even inanimate objects whose too-festive decorations demonstrated a profound lack of reverence for a lesser house of worship, the hotel lobby bar, have suffered the consequences of earning Sutherland's disapprobation. We're sure that once an assistant director showed those rowdy Romanian crew members footage of the star's infamous Christmas tree takedown, they quickly repented their sins, fearing that drawing the star's righteous anger a second time could result in a flying bodycheck that would make the horrific Tannenbaum-assault look like a warm hug.
