• Foxy Brown's lawyer, state Senator (yes!) John Sampson, who had told the jury that sentenced Brown to a year in jail for violating probation that Brown was three months pregnant, apparently totally lied! [NYP]
  • The Sex and the City open call audition was a freakshow, as expected. [TMZ]
  • Designer Marc Jacobs responds to allegations that his show was late because he was having drinks at the Mercer hotel: "That is bullshit! That is bullshit! I was at the fucking office until the last fitting was over. I came back to the hotel — I hadn't been here in three days! I hadn't showered in three days! I slept on the couch in my office for 20 minutes three nights in a row — anyone at my office will tell you that. I got 20 minutes sleep Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night. The first shower I had was Monday at 8 before the rehearsal of our show. I did not have lunch, I did not have drinks, I did not have tea at the Mercer." Okay!! [WWD]