Jakob Lodwick likes to be photographed topless. Photo by Mareen Fischinger.

News of College Humor fella Zach Klein's departure from the lucrative website he co-founded got us to thinking: Who are these twenty-five-year-old millionaires, anyway? I mean, sure, we all read the New Yorker article two years ago, but the boys must be slightly different after a couple years of living in New York. Like: they probably watch Sex and the City way less! And maybe they've slept with some famous ("famous") people.

Ricky Van Veen: The Funny One

  • Those who know him say: "Ricky's the one proudly wearing H&M. Just awesome and normal and funny, hangs with comedy elite, like people from 'The Office' and '30 Rock.'
  • Do it have a blog? Get Excited, which is more funny links than Dear Diary.
  • Has Hampton Style editor Deb Schoeneman hooked up with it? Definitely.
  • Notable quotable: "It's hard being taken seriously when you are our age. But, here, people can walk in and say, Obviously, these guys are doing something right."

    Josh Abramson: The Boring One

  • Those who know him say: "Josh is the one who hangs with Noah Tepperberg types (though maybe not him exactly)."

    <liDo it have a blog? No!
  • Has Deb Schoeneman hooked up with it? Probably not, but who knows. Still waters!
  • Notable quotable: "People love to send in photographs of their refrigerators filled with beer."
  • Zach Klein: The Boyfriend Type

  • Those who know him say: "Earnest Brooklyn."
  • Do it have a blog? Two! ZachKlein.com is Dear Diary. Copy and Taste is about learning to cook with his girlfriend! All together now: awww!
  • Has Deb Schoeneman hooked up with it? Heavens no!
  • Notable quotable:"We experimented with 'Rice Cream' for the first time and loved it!"
  • Jakob Lodwick: The Hot Jerk

  • Those who know him say: "Contrarian playa."
  • Do it have a blog? Oh so very. Obeastiality is his Dear Diary blog where he posts endless pictures of himself, but he also has a PAPER diary IRL, and he blogs about being mad at current inamorata Julia Allison for reading it! Kids today. Living such public bloglives!
  • Has Deb Schoeneman hooked up with it? Yup!
  • Notable quotable:"These Europe flights keep getting easier."