Tinsley Mortimer: "My First Blog"

Tremble, bloglings! Ubersocialite Tinz Mort'mer is blogging! In her first entry over at Glamour, Tinsley semi-non-apologizes for wearing the same dress twice and declares an entire season to be "over." It's like My Little Pony learned how to type! And yet, the "work product" is more literate than that of any other blogger Glamour has yet employed....
For my official start of Fashion Week, I went to the Van Cleef and Arpels party at the Hamerstein Ballroom, wearing a dress from my new clothing line, Riccimie by Tinsley Mortimer, and sold only in Japan at this time. Don't tell, but I actually just wore the same dress and belt to the store opening in Tokyo a few days ago but with different shoes. Accompanying me on this initial foray were my sister Dabney, who wore Michael Kors leggings with Brian Atwood shoes (adorable!), and my sister-in-law Minnie in Zac Posen. They both are so cute and always fun to go out with. When we got there, we were totally surprised and overwhelmed with the number of photographers and other press. Had no idea the event was going to be so huge, but it really did make me feel as if I were "back to school," and, whether I liked it or not, the summer was, indeed, OVER!!
OMG and then she ran into her good friend Patrick McMullan! Tell it like it is, sister. This is gonna be the best fashion week ever.