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Updated below. Why is Robert Scoble, videoblogger, using the immature, unstable website to host his latest videos, when he's a vice president of PodTech, a rival video venture with its own video-hosting infrastructure? Isn't that a bit like Valleywag's Megan McCarthy, say, cracking jokes on Julia Allison's blog when she should be filing party reports for Valleywag? Clearly, PodTech is going under, and Scoble needs to keep his options open. His delusion that he can work anywhere he wants has been dashed — his dream job at Facebook doesn't appear to exist. Jason Calacanis's Mahalo may be a perfect match, but we suspect that Kyte is Scoble's emergency backup. Scoble even hints at such, telling readers, "I'll have more to say about Podtech soon."

Update: Scoble comments on his blog: ""For Valleywag: I just signed a contract with PodTech for Q1, 2008, so am not going anywhere. Nice guessing, though!"