Last night, NBC News anchor Brian Williams appeared in the mildewed basement of the Upright Citizen's Brigade theater. He was doing standup—well, a comedy monologue—which was really confusing (that it was happening, not in its substance). Also he has a mighty rack. Some sort of steroid usage was responsible for that. They've since gone down a bit. Why was he there? Apparently he is good friends with SNL's Amy Poehler.

In one of his monologues, Williams explained his reaction to news that Seth Myers (who was performing and on stage through all of this) was joining the cast of SNL (and thus Williams' parent company NBC). "I was like, 'who's tapping that?'" Who indeed?

The audience, usually a combination of comedy geeks and their parents (N.B.: I brought my mom when she was in town too), was oddly famous. David Schwimmer, Rashida Jones and Amy Smart [Ed. Note: Yeah, I had to Google her too] were on hand.

The only other thing we really remember of Williams' monologue is that we think that he casually referred to a vagina as a j.j., which is great. He also mentioned that he had read on that one can refer to vaginas as "snooches," which he particularly liked and which also means he's a big fan of The Astor Place Porn Vendor.

[UPDATE: For the record, the steroids thing isn't nefarious —he was on a six-day regimen for a ruptured disk. It's not like he's sex-transitioning or preparing to cheat in the Olympics or anything.]