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Sometime actor Andrew Shue, pictured left, is best known for playing Billy Campbell, the most boring character on '90s nighttime soap opera Melrose Place. Less well known is his status as cofounder of CMI Marketing, the parent company of social networks ClubMom and CafeMom, the latter of which recently received $5 million in funding from VCs Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Highland Capital Partners. Unknown is the relationship between CMI's two mom-affiliated sites, ClubMom, founded in 1999, and CafeMom. Moms or not, we have a great idea for how to get more traffic on the CafeMom site: Post pictures of Andrew Shue, who's still listed as a member of CafeMom's management team, in his underwear. We bet he'll pose for new ones in exchange for just a few extra stock options.