Bill Murray Busted For Drunken Swedish Golf Cart Joyride

While we've always envisioned Sweden as an idyllic place where American actors can go to play a few rounds of golf, throw back some cocktails at the 19th Hole, and then take a leisurely, low-speed joyride through the city without being hassled by The Människa, the news that Bill Murray was pulled over in downtown Stockholm on Sunday for suspicion of drunken golf-cart driving has shattered our cherished illusions about the permissiveness of the Scandinavian nation. A spokesman for the Swedish fuzz remarked on Murray's refusal to take a Breathalyzer and about the unknown origin of his slow-moving electric vehicle:
"He refused to blow in the (breath test) instrument, citing American legislation," Holmlund told The Associated Press on Wednesday. "So we applied the old method — a blood test. It will take 14 days before the results are in." [...]
"There were no obvious signs, like when someone is really tipsy," he said.
Holmlund said it wasn't clear where Murray picked up the vehicle, or to whom it belonged.
"It was a golf cart. How it ended up in this predicament I don't know," he said, adding that Murray wasn't facing any theft charges.
It isn't illegal to drive a golf cart in city traffic in Sweden, but Holmlund said it is very unusual.
Even if the blood test turns up positive, the officer speculated that Murray will face fines rather than a prison term, and we're sure their investigation will also eventually turn up the identity of the vehicle's highly amused owner. But credit the legend with knowing the right way to execute a DUI incident: nothing in the police report indicated that he took any hostages, was chasing a cart containing the terrified mother of a caddy he'd just fired in anger, or that he he claimed to be wearing somebody else's golf-pants.