WeHo Bar Inferno Made No Less Tragic By Ironically Prescient Gay Pride Float

An update to yesterday's Happy Hour tragedy in WeHo, when venerable cocktailing and banana-thong-swinging institution Micky's succumbed to non-metaphorical flaming: In our scramble to bring you updates, it turns out one of our tips—that upscale neighboring bar East West was also affected—was incorrect. CBS2 reported the fire started in a malfunctioning air conditioning unit in the basement and, fueled by inventory meant for thousands of green appletinis, quickly engulfed the building.
An operative strolling by the area last night tells us, "There were people outside crying, resting their heads on people's shoulders." Truly a sad day for the rainbow flag set—though, as can be seen in this photo from Boi From Troy, one ominously foretold by the bar's firetruck-themed Gay Pride Parade float last year. Chin up, Gays: Micky's will rebuild, that Rome can flame again.