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It's truly a day for the velvet-bound history books, for not one, but three entertainment giants harboring some of the worst-kept secrets in showbiz have been thrust from their anally-arranged, glass-doored closets. First, in a eulogy appearing in today's THR (it's on pg. 9, but has gone missing from the website—screengrab of the blog version here), Ray Richmond matter-of-factly discusses Merv Griffin's sexuality:

[UPDATE: Via FBLA, Richmond discuss the pulling of the online versions of his piece here. OK, we know this is now getting unwieldy, but UPDATE 2: The piece has been restored on both Richmond's blog and the THR site. ]

Merv Griffin was gay.

There. Is that plain enough for ya? No gossip, no scandal, no snickering behind the back. Just reality.

We'll allow you a moment to come to grips with the fact that a man with business instincts so sharp, he managed to successfully sell average Americans vowels for decades, could have been that way. Okay, that should be enough time. Onto the Next! Not Particularly Shocking! Outing!:

Las Vegas magicians Siegfried & Roy are coming out of the closet in a highly anticipated autobiography soon to be released. [...]

According to details from the upcoming book leaked to the National Enquirer, Siegfried & Roy"sie was once very much in love but have since transformed their relationship into a working partnership and a deep friendship.

Further details are available in this German article, headlined: "Ja, wir sind schwul!" (Funny—besides the sequined jumpsuits and feathered hair, they didn't particularly seem schwul.) Still, we couldn't be happier for the flamboyant illusionists, who perhaps are now one step closer towards sitting down with their albino menagerie for a man-to-man-to-tiger talk about what it really means to have two daddies.