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According to Hollywood Today, NBC Universal has tossed Desperate Housewives from its primary soundstage on the Universal lot, which they plan to convert into a new theater and office building that may or may not eventually house The Tonight Show. Apparently, anointed Jay Leno successor Conan O'Brien was touring the potential facilities yesterday, trying to ignore the anguished wailing of Teri Hatcher, whom the Housewives had "mistakenly" left behind after she handcuffed herself to a catwalk in protest of the unwelcome move. Reports HT on the shuffle:

Sources said Stage One, once home to the "Jack Benny Show," may next become the home of "The Tonight Show" starring Jay Leno, and after 2009, Conan O'Brien, although a studio spokesman insists that is still being evaluated. Construction is expected to start by early next year and take at least one and a half years to complete. A studio spokesman said completion depends on getting the necessary permits.

O'Brien was in Los Angeles, Burbank and Universal City on Wednesday, according to sources, discussing the plans with top NBC U brass. The complex is said to include a public area, a spacious state of the art theater, dressing rooms and a four story office complex that would be perfect for the "Tonight Show" staff, currently cramped into aging space at NBC in Burbank.

Conan, of course is waiting at the door. This could seal the deal for O'Brien to agree to host the franchise late night talk show from the West Coast. "No final decisions have been made," said a NBC U spokeswoman in a statement issued to Hollywood Today. "A stage at Universal Studios is one option under consideration, but we are still very much in an evaluation stage."

It might still be too early for the officials to comment on their exact plans for the space, but it seemed like a sign that things are moving forward when the spokeswoman let it slip that NBC executives were already mulling the feng-shui implications of placing O'Brien's new desk on the exact spot where they will assassinate Jay Leno in 2009, thereby eliminating the possibility that the outgoing host will decide he's got a few more years in him and set up shop at a competing network.