We started getting the emails in April, as far as we can tell. At first, they seemed to simply be curious about a woman who had been in the news. "Since she was all over the papers in January 2007 with her boyfriend Todd Thomson.....I haven't read or seen a thing. Your gawker stalker would be doing me a favor if he sees Maria with anyone other than Jonathan.......that would be news. Remember CNBC SAYS MARIA HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG." Okay, a little incoherent, but not glaringly! We filed the point away in our minds. The emails kept coming.

Two days later, on April 25, we received this email: "Has anyone seen Todd Thomson, formerly of Citigroup and Maria Bartitomo? Is he at the 4 day Milken Bash in LA this week? Bartiromo is there and I wonder if she is picking up where she left off after occupying the press in Jan 2007. Just asking."

By May 27, it was clear we were dealing with someone with what might be called a prurient interest in the Money Honey: "There are some loyal older readers on your site who are sick of the current parade of young stupid dope heads featured on the decaying pages of Gawker. Do you ever get a shot of Maria Bartiromo? She is one of Ask Men.com and watched by 400,000 plus each weekday on CNBC. Desired by many thousands of men, and that includes me, but either she stays home all the time, which I seriously doubt, or your cameras dont recognize her. She is lovely and I ask you to see if you can catch a shot of her somewhere, sometime and thanks."


Then, June 12, an email that implied that some sort of scrapbook was being compiled: "can't find your 2 feb 07 story about Bartiromo and Todd 'Thomson. The archives thing isn't working for me. [email redacted]. can you help???"

By July 22, our correspondent had gotten angry. "I am struck by the abscense of Lines and Pics of Maria B. Todd Thomson is rumored to be taking up shop on Wall St. in Equity again..........If they were fucking each other for two years.....1) Wont they try again? 2)Why didn't the husband (j Steinberg) have something to say. Also, Melissa Thomson must have been blind......or as the good book says Trusting."

And on August 14, it became clear that he was trying to use us to fulfill his sick fantasies: "I think that if you have a camera crew around the NYSE between 5 and 8 pm eastern...it might produce a match of Maria Bartiromo and Dylan Ratigan. They have three hours before Dylan returns to ait a Times Square. I heard they have been becoming very close."

Finally, this morning, we received perhaps the most disturbing email of all: "Rumor has it Bartiromo and Ratigan have time between his break from Closing Bell at 4 eastern til his 8 pm show and Bartiromos 5pm off air and her limo home. They have I understand, been both working out of the NYSE instead of Ratigan at NYSE and Bartiromo at Englewood Cliffs, N.J. makes it easier to grab one hour or two together. ....eh? Bring a long range lens. Interested withhold my name or email...please."

Uh, well, see, we were going to print it, actually? Because you're frightening us, and when you're arrested for stalking Maria Bartiromo, we want a paper trail. But then we got too scared.