Val Kilmer Opts Not To Don A Hitler Moustache For 'Hebrew Hammer' Sequel

The conviction with which delightfully eccentric actor Val Kilmer delves into his roles is the stuff of Hollywood legend—the stories from the set of The Doors alone could fill a book, such as the time he climbed naked onto a buffet spread, and, channeling Jim Morrison, proceeded to smear low-fat cream cheese on his privates while declaring himself the "Craft Services King." There's no telling, then, what Kilmer could have done with the part of Adolph Hitler, a role he was set to play in the sequel to The Hebrew Hammer, before mysteriously pulling out:
IS Val Kilmer too scared to play Adolf Hitler, or is he just too bloated? Kilmer was set to play the Nazi dictator in the "Hebrew Hammer" sequel, "The Hebrew Hammer 2 - Hammer Versus Hitler," but dropped out recently.
"He may have gotten cold feet," said our spy. No matter - the original Hammer, Adam Goldberg, who in the first movie played the Orthodox Jewish action hero who saves Hanukkah from the clutches of Santa Claus' evil son, has signed on again.
We'd be disappointed if, as Page Six postulates, Kilmer's decision stems from insecurities relating to middle-age spread. All it would really take is one throwaway line about how the German leader spent his summer vacation "eating mein way through Bavaria, eins creampuff at a time," before audiences would quickly grow accustomed to the film's zaftig Führer, and settle in for an enjoyable evening of watching The Hebrew Hammer make chopped liver of the historical supervillain.